Advancing Responsible Purse Seine Fisheries
APSI is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of purse seine fishers and promoting best practices throughout the industry. We provide training and resources on responsible fishing techniques, data collection, and regulatory compliance. We empower our members to adopt responsible practices that minimize environmental impact and maximize the quality and value of their catch.By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we aim to elevate the standards of purse seine fishing in Indonesia and contribute to the health of our oceans.
APSI is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of purse seine fishers and promoting best practices throughout the industry. We provide training and resources on responsible fishing techniques, data collection, and regulatory compliance. We empower our members to adopt responsible practices that minimize environmental impact and maximize the quality and value of their catch. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we aim to elevate the standards of purse seine fishing in Indonesia and contribute to the health of our oceans.
APSI works to connect stakeholders with potential buyers who prioritize legally and ethically sourced fish, helping them secure better market positions. By improving compliance and access to high-value markets, APSI enables its members to achieve greater competitiveness and long-term business viability.
The purse seine industry in Bitung is deeply connected to local communities, providingdirect and indirect employment opportunities to thousands of people, from skippers andcrew members to fish processors, traders, and supporting industries.
Through strategic collaborations with organizations like the Walton Family Foundationand the Indonesia Tuna Consortium, APSI is able to engage in fisheries policydiscussions and advocate for regulatory frameworks that support a well-managedindustry.