About Us
Purse Seine is one of the most important parts of the Indonesian fishing industry, accounting for the largest catch share of any gear type. The sector spans the archipelago, providing employment opportunities, contributing to food security, and creating export value.Indonesia’s Purse Seine sector is highly diverse, ranging from oceangoing vessels in the Indonesian EEZ to small boats operating close to shore; from vessels targeting large tuna to vessels mainly catching small pelagic species, and from highly specialized operations to fleets that opportunistically harvest a wide range of species.
Most Indonesian Purse Seine vessels are very small compared to industrial factory vessels of distant water fleets. Indonesian Purse Seine vessels rely on traditional, low-tech fishing methods and employ many fishers. Compared to other fishing gears in Indonesia, the Purse Seine sector is underrepresented in the stakeholders’ common push for improved fisheries management. The Indonesian Purse Seine Association seeks to bridge that gap.
The Indonesian Purse Seine industry is advanced, competitive, and sustainable. Fisheries governance and the business climate for purse seine gear is strengthened, supporting sustainable purse seine industry operations.


Build and strengthen relationships between stakeholders in Purse Seine fisheries and lead the development of sustainable and fair policies together with but not exclusive to association members, the Indonesian government, as well as Non-Government Organisations.

Increase the capacity of the association and its members to actively contribute to data collection and compliance with fishing regulations in order to strengthen sustainable fisheries management in Indonesia.

Elevate the competitiveness of the Indonesian Purse Seine sector by being a national and international proactive leader for driving forward, promoting, and marketing responsible Purse Seine fishing and products.
3 Year Strategy
Code of Conduct
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